I'd like to tell you a little bit about my home. I live at Abounding Grace Church in Tucson, Arizona. Right on S Kolb just north of Golf Links. There's a small congregation of people that gather and worship here every Sunday morning. That's not so unusual for a people belonging to a larger group called the ELCA or Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. And that group belongs to an even bigger bunch called Christians or Followers of Christ... I'll talk more about those people later. Today, I'd like to tell you about my home at Abounding Grace.
As I started to say, that group of people that meet here every Sunday morning, are quite a cheerful bunch. They're always talking and singing and hugging and they really seem to like getting together. I especially like to listen to the music. Sometimes they sing those old familiar church hymns and other times it's a song that may have roots in another country. Occasionally they may struggle through a song that's not so familiar to them but they catch on quickly and soon their voices are filling the room with wonderful music. That guy Neil, he's their Music Director, is totally awesome on the piano and the organ. I mean, have you ever seen how many keys and foot pedals that are on a church organ? I don't know how he does it and can still sing at the same time! And if he can't be there, there's always some other talented person filling in for him so there's never a Sunday without music.
Well, that's all for now. I'm getting tired of jumping from key to key. But I want to invite you to write to me with any questions, comments, suggestions, or stories that you may have about Abounding Grace and the people who come through the doors. This is a G rated site and for now I'll let your comments post without delay. If any inappropriate material is received, I'll have to change the settings and review each comment before it can be posted which may result in your view being delayed a few days.
So may God bless you as you go through your daily routine and come back to visit often as I'll be adding more to this site soon.
And who am I? Why I'm
Grace Anne Love