Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Soup Supper: Are you being Served?

There's been a lot happening in the Fellowship Hall lately. On Wednesday nights a group of hungry people are gathering around 6 p.m. I say they're hungry because some of them bring in these delicious smelling soups to share with all the others.

Everyone is having a great time talking and laughing and eating... they call it fellowship. It's been going on for the past 2 weeks now and the variety of soups is mind boggling! Most everyone tries more than one soup and they have so much that no one goes away hungry.

In fact, there's usually plenty of soup and bread leftover. Then faster than a mouse with a broom looming over his head, they clean up the kitchen, put away the tables and chairs and head over to the Sanctuary to have more time together.

Once there, they sing songs, listen to a bible reading and Pastor Keith tells us all a great story. If you haven't listened to Pastor Keith tell stories, you don't know what you're missing!

Why he tells a story about this man called Jonah and how Jonah tried to run away from God! How anyone could think they can hide from God is just... just... just.... so unbelievable! Well, you can check that story out yourself in the Bible. Better yet, come by Wednesday night at 6 p.m. for a bowl of piping hot soup and then stay to listen as Pastor Keith tells us more of Jonah's adventure. It's one whale of a fish story! Until next time...

God Bless you with His Abounding Love!
Grace Anne Love