Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent is upon us...

December is here and the Advent season is well underway. If you missed last weeks soup supper followed by a special Advent service, don't worry, there's another one coming right up!  
Join us for fellowship and a hot bowl of soup in the Fellowship Hall at 6pm on Wednesday 12/7. Then stick around as we move to the Sanctuary at 7pm for some music, some prayer and some visitors right out of the Bible. It'll get your Christmas spirit movin'on the right track!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's new!?!

Well, nothing much right now... but check back soon!  Grace Anne Love is sharpening her pencil and getting ready to share some new stories and happenings here at Abounding Grace.  If there is something in particular you would like Grace Anne to address, just drop a note for her consideration.  In the meantime... Count your Blessings everyday and remember that God is only a prayer away!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

HAPPY 2011!

The Christmas holidays are almost over.  It's been quiet at the church this past week.  The tree and lights are still up in the Sanctuary so this Sunday will be your last chance to see them before they're packed away until next December.

And with a new year, come new resolutions.  I don't usually make any because they are just so darn hard to keep, but this year I'd like to begin a new one.  One I know I can keep throughout the coming year and, with God's help, for many years to follow.

I'm proclaiming 2011 to be the year of Optimism!  

A whole year of good thoughts.  None of those "I'm sad and I want everyone to know it" thoughts.  Just cheerful, happy, uplifting thoughts!  "When you smile the whole world smiles with you" thoughts!

So, why not join me?  Smile at everyone you meet.  You may be surprised at the results, especially if it's been a while since smiled for no reason at all.  Those that know you may just wonder what you've been up to!  Don't keep them guessing.  Tell them because "it's a beautiful day" or "God loves me" or even "a little church mouse told me to".  Whatever you decide to say, spread the cheer, and then... tell them to pass it on.

Peace be with you!
Grace Anne Love